Our Blue Planet

It’s mad how much noise us humans make about TV shows when the series is running, and how quick we go quiet again when it’s over. One of the best examples of this would have to be BBC’s Blue Planet, narrated seamlessly by the nations favourite, Sir David Attenborough. When Blue Planet II was released last year, the country stood still to watch. From conversations amongst friends and work colleagues, to social media commentary and debates on panel shows, there is no doubt that the series provides us with ample content to discuss.

We chuckle at the dolphins getting high, and we chat about how ruthless the Orca’s are, taking in turns to torture a lone seal. So why when someone mentions the bit about the plastic bags floating about, do our conversations draw to a close soon after?

The equivalent of one dump truck full of plastic enters our oceans every minute

It’s probably a combination of factors: some don’t understand the serious implications that plastic pollution could have on the plant as a whole, and a few of us probably think the problem has got too bad to fix. There is one thing that is true for the majority of us though: we like Blue Planet as a show, we like being by or in the sea when it is hot, and if we could help to stop the oceans and the planet from fucking up completely, then we would!

There are 5 trillion pieces of plastic floating in our oceans right now

World Oceans Day

Of course it is bigger than just remembering your tote bag when you go to the supermarket; but ‘Every little helps!’ Seriously though, unless you are or know a marine scientist, most of us don’t really understand how far along the issue of plastic pollution in the ocean really is. However, many organisations indicate that if the right action is taken now, the damage can be undone!  And while there is no doubt that the big steps need to be taken by world governments and huge corporations (who think about profit above everything else), there are still positive things we can do at grassroots level.

At this rate, by 2050 the ocean will contain more plastic than fish

Today is World Oceans Days, and we have decided to get on board and help to fight a good fight! We’ve decided to think of three simple things we can all do that will help:

Stop Buying Plastic Straws

Plastic straws have had a huge negative impact on the worlds oceans and it is completely unnecessary. If you really need to use a straw there are loads of biodegradable, paper and reusable options available now.

Drink Tap Water

In fairness, tap water (in the North West anyway) is not as nice as it was decades ago, but there are options other than buying plastic bottles:

The best option is to buy a filter which can be used to fill up reusable drinks bottles. Filters are pretty cheap these days and actually make tap water purer than bottled water. Glass bottles of water are also available, although this is a costly way to keep hydrated. A virtually cost free way to improve the taste of tap water is by keeping a glass jug or bottle of it in your fridge. Although leaving it to sit for a while won’t remove all the cleaning agents from it, some will evaporate, and it generally tastes a bit better – plus it will be nice and cold.

Use Paper Folders

If you use a folder for work or your kids use them for school, go for the paper ones instead of plastic.

The ocean provides over 50% of the worlds oxygen

Oceanic Ink

We’ve created these exclusive designs for World Oceans Day. They can be incorporated into full sleeves or used as standalone designs.

Ingenious design using a rubber duck to highlight human impact on our oceans, by Loz
Shark in stealth mode, by Nick
Jellyfish can be done in Neo trad style with colour, black and grey, or dot shaded, by Loz


Stunning Lionfish ready to brighten up your world, by Nick
Loz’s favourite – The Asian Small Clawed Otter

If you want one of them, drop us an email or message us on Facebook so we know to save it for you. Then head to Booksy and schedule a free consultation with Nick, to discuss size, placement and price. We will be donating £5 from any of these designs sold, to the Marine Conservation Society. You can learn more about their work here.












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